It was an extremely difficult at Chipstead on Saturday. The lake lies in a shallow valley running east west, surrounded by trees and the wind was blowing across it. Sometimes the wind would blow down the lake, sometimes the other way as well as across it. All in all an extremely frustrating day as one moment you could look golden in wind, the next you were stationary and boats would sail around you.
Lunch was a fine affair at Chipstead with Peter Crisp supplying a very nice Stew for the competitors to warm them up.
Post lunch the wind had shifted, and the course re-aligned. Craig had a stellar afternoon and the difference between he and Nigel barrow was the fact Craig could get off the start line fast and get away. But it could have gone either way. The $10,000 dollar question: Is, or will the Proteus be Craig's Nemesis?
Copy courtesy of Nigel Barrow

Note: Richard was sailing a nice 'Red Wine' not a Britpop