August Bank holiday is synonymous in the Radio Sailing Calendar with the IOM Nationals.

This year, four Emsworth Radio Sailing Members will join 63 other top skippers from UK, Sweden and Holland to compete for line honors at this year's event, hosted by the ever friendly Fleetwood MYBC.

For those not familiar with Fleetwood, its a charming friendly town with a relaxed atmosphere, which belies its heritage as the third largest fishing port in the country famous initially for its catches of Hake and latterly Cod. The famous 'Cod' wars of the '70s heralded the decline of its fishing industry the 70's. ...however...
Consistent throughout all this excitement has been Fleetwood Model Yacht and power boat club based on a purpose built boating lake separated from the sea by the dunes. The club has an amazing array of sailing and powerboats
Bon voyage and good luck to Steve and Dave Cockerill, Nigel Barrow and Simon Fairman, and don't over do it on the famous club cakes.